during the summer months, my hair tends to get neglected.it's thick, it's dark, it's long...it's hard to manage during these heat waves.
usually it is up in a bun or a ponytail...
y'know...i've had long hair for a long time.
i did venture out and cut my hair short a few times but...
my face doesn't do well with short hair...so, i tend to keep it long.
i wish i had the right face to carry short hair...i really like pixie cuts and very short to the scalp hair with wavy top/bangs...but alas...it just doesn't suit me...
i went to see my favorite+only hairstylist, Anthony.
and boy does he do wonders...it's like he can bring me back from the dead...lol...
i often tease him and ask if i could pack him up and take him home with me...
i recently watched 'rumor has it' with Jennifer Aniston. Her hair was gorgeous in that movie...layers...long layers...i asked Anthony if he can give me layers like that...
i think he did!
i never can get my hair just like he does...wish i had edward scissorhands...
well, at least my hair behaves 1 day out of the 2 months until i can see him again...
merci beaucoup, Anthony...you're a lifesaver!
while at the salon, i met Veronica...she's a 'brow specialist'...i know...kinda strange, huh?
there's a 'brow bar' and she fixes brows...my brows are now in 'training'...i know, i can't believe i'm writing about my hair and brows...but i should've taken a before shot of what i looked like...a total mess/nightmare...i guess, going to the salon can boost anyone's confidence, huh?
with this new cut+my training brows (ha!)...
i feel like i can start something fresh...creatively.
my art has slowed down these past few weeks...busy with the munchkins and daily routines
but i hope to start something new in a couple of weeks and document it here.
ever since my b-day passed 2 wks ago, i'm feeling the crunch that life is getting shorter as i
get older...there's just so much to do...
maybe i'll make a list of stuff that i'd like to accomplish before my time ends...
but getting this haircut+brow therapy really is helping me make
some new steps to a fresh start...
it's the little things that can get you motivated, huh?
what little things get you going to brave the new day?
bonne nuit