Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday Tip of the Day...Natural Beauties

Tip of the Day:

When someone says, "Oh, you don't have to get me anything. Especially flowers. They're too expensive and they'll just die in a day anyway!" Don't believe them. Flowers will always put a smile on someone's face. Especially if they came from someone you care about. Flowers are God's natural wonders of beauty. From a small seed, beauty erupts at the right time and will display such amazing + vibrant colours and shapes.

For longer lasting flowers, just take care of your flowers when you receive them. Cut bottom stems at an angle. Remove some of the leaves from the flower bunch. Put them in water, add flower medicine (or crushed tylenol). Remember to keep your flowers away from air conditioners or heat registers. Change the water everyday and cut the ends off on an angle.

Now, go ahead and surround yourself with these natural beauties and enjoy every moment!

oui, oui!
jo xoxo

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