image from here
image from heredid you catch it?they did here, you think they did? image from here that's a camera...pretty sure he must have, right?i truly think he certainly did... (according to his flickr page, he was practicing for the big day bec. he was going to be on a that's soooo cool!)
image from here
now that's a unique way to catch it
image from hereno matter what you believe in, what culture, what race...
image from here
it's such a rare opportunity to catch it... image from here
to see more amazing photos of the 2009 solar eclipse Asia go here
according to the associated press and an article written By ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press Writer Eric Talmadge, Associated Press Writer –
Wed Jul 22, 8:33 am ET...the eclipse
"start[ed] off in India just after dawn, the eclipse was visible across a wide swath of Asia before moving over southern Japan and then off into the Pacific Ocean. In some parts of Asia, it lasted as long as 6 minutes and 39 seconds. The eclipse is the longest since July 11, 1991, when a total eclipse lasting 6 minutes, 53 seconds was visible from Hawaii to South America. There will not be a longer eclipse than Wednesday's until 2132."
wow what a rare opportunity for millions of people to experience in Asia...the next long eclipse is expected to come 123 years from now...
how lucky are those that were able to see a part of history being made...
to see more amazing pictures and read this article go here
(image from here )
according to Fred Espenak, astronomer,of
"The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century begins at dawn near the west coast of India and crosses southern China before heading out into the Pacific Ocean. Red lines denote regions where a partial eclipse is visible. Blue lines indicate mideclipse in Universal Time." Click on the image for a larger version.
Fred Espenak discusses future total eclipses too:"Future Total Eclipses
On July 11, 2010, this part of the world will be favored with its third total solar eclipse in as many years. The track is almost entirely over the South Pacific. Easter Island and southern Chile (at sunset) offer the only landfalls. And the South Pacific also hosts the next one, on November 13, 2012. A total solar eclipse won’t cross the Americas until August 21, 2017, when the Moon’s umbra will sweep from Oregon to South Carolina." for more information on the article go here.
to see a live coverage of the eclipse in Japan go here
now let's see...July 11, 2010 in the South Pacific...hmmm...that sounds like a perfect reason to plan a summer getaway, wouldn't you think?!
checkin' my calendar...oh bank account
(go here + here if you want to check out Solar Eclipse Tours for 2010 in Tahiti, Moorea,+ Bora Bora...ahhh wishful thinking... will have to wait 8 more years til it hits our soil....;))
images from here (i just added text)
see wonderful things can happen during an eclipse...
twin giant pandas were born in Bifeng Gorge Base in Ya'an, southwest China's Sichuan province, on Wednesday July 22, 2009 during the solar eclipse...
images from here+here
how spectacular is that? truly anything is possible....
image from here ever you caught it...
just know that you're one of the lucky fortunate are you?
whatever your beliefs are...
this phenomenon truly demonstrates the ultimate power of what nature, science, God+man can do...
simply amazing!
image from here
...i've only seen a solar or lunar eclipse a few times in my about you? do you remember your favourite eclipse? how old were you?
looking forward to catching a couple of more, esp. with my lil' munchkins...
well...they won't be lil' anymore by that time-they'll be 15...teenie-boppers!
...have a beautiful day...
carpe diem...seize the day!
(i also received a sweet tag meme '6 little things that make you happy' from such a sweetheart, Gracie , [thanks for sharing this one with me,'s a provoking one...makes you really appreciate what can make you happy...] and i didn't think that it would be so difficult to just pick '6 lil' things' that can make me happy...
but it is for me...hopefully i'll post soon, i promise!)
xoxo jo ;)