life can surely hand you a bunch of lemons...
but i love that saying, "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade..."
that's probably why i enjoy participating in various swaps throughout these months and during this blog of mine. i truly feel like i'm sending a lil' sunshine someone's way.
ie. this past fall, my family learned of some bad news (and just recently found out more bad news) but i didn't want to dwell in the negativity so i have been working on several art projects, swaps, etc. to keep my mind off the stress. spreading positive karma + love...
so, my lovely sis, Mary Ann and her Sunshine Club surprised me and sent me this magnificent book made JUST FOR ME... it was filled with handmade beautiful art (and my love of the French)+inspirational + motivational + kind+ encouraging words...to treasure for ETERNITY...
you see, how this 'random act of kindness' touched my soule and warmed my heart?!
(to know that each of those kindred spirits took time from their busy lives to create such beauty for me has forever touched me beyond any words and belief! i'll have to take pics of this amazing book and post it sometime here...) also...
i remember seeing an Oprah program when she paid the person behind (her) tollway fee. or when O bought the person behind (her) McDonald's coffee or breakfast. or when O bought the person behind (her) newspaper/groceries/gas etc...
this is what i'm talking about...i wish i could bottle up that feeling of unconditional love.
anyway, a couple of weeks ago, a very sweet blog friend of mine, Gracie of Gracie Bella Butterfly sent me an invitation to participate in a "Pay it Forward" challenge...it's an on going giveaway, an on-line event. it's like winning a mystery prize because it'll arrive as a surprise in my postbox sometime in the next 365 days. so now, my challenge is to 'pay it forward' to three more sweet bloggers...i'm so honoured that Gracie even thought of me and wanted to share this experience with me. this will be my very first time to offer any type of giveaway on my blog...
The first three people to comment on this post (with a way to contact them back and shows an interest in this challenge) will receive a gift (a very nice+sweet gift) from me, sometime within the next 365 days. Who knows when it will turn up, or what it will be, but rest assured, it will arrive. All you have to do is promise to make the same declaration on your blog, and send out gifts to three of your lovely readers. Easy Peasy.
If you miss out on being one of the first three, please leave a comment anyway because I will draw a random name also, in the spirit of Valentine's Day. The winner will be drawn next Friday, February 13th and I will post everyone's names at that time.
so, i know that i'm fairly new with blogging and really don't have a following, but if the only 3 people that visit my blog would love to play along, i would be honoured to send them a very nice surprise...(maybe i'll take a few sneak peeks and post them soon...) (also i wasn't able to join in the gypsy caravan of Lisa Swifka's One World One Heart event this time... so this would be a perfect time to join in a 'Pay it Forward' challenge...hope you will join me!)
Merci Beaucoup, Sweet Gracie!!!
Bonne Nuit
xoxo jo ;)
I would LOVE to be part of this!! You should be able to contact me by email from this comment. My email link is in my profile otherwise. I'll be posting about this today!!
bonjour, rachel! merci beaucoup for playing the PIF challenge with me...so happy that there's at least 2 peeps visiting me over here...will wait 'til 2/13 to announce the names of the winners of my mystery giveaways (4 mystery giveaways...)! again, thank you so much for spreading the love! will send you a private e-mail for snail addy info... xoxo jo ;)
Ohh Jo! You are sweet! I'm glad your doing your PIF. I'm getting your package together. It's such a lovely fun thing to do.
And thank you for the greeting! I have a wonderful day! I plan to make this year my best ever! I'm really looking forward to the possibilities and whatever the will come my way.
Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments and inspiration. I do hope all is well with you and your family and everything that is going on. xoxo
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