Laura had me as a secret partner in my sis' secret admirer valentine heart box swap 2009 (also look here and here )
i'm sooo very sorry for my lateness in posting these pics...i had camera issues, plus have been under the weather with the lil' ones...but we're all trying to get through this cold + long winter...so these photos of Laura's goodies surely brightened our days! we loved all the sweet treats and all the pretty ephemera...i especially LOVED the vintagey toothpicks and the vintagey ring of what i think may look like a beautiful woman like 'Sweet Marie'...thank you so very much for your thoughtfulness and kindness...you made our Valentine's Day quite special!!! again, merci beaucoup, doux laura!
hoping everyone truly enjoyed their Valentine's Day!
bonne nuit
xoxo jo ;)
thank you so much laura for the sweetest gifts + for your most kindest compliment...coming from a creative expert like you means the world to me! (thanks so much for making my week!!!) i just love to capture beauty in the sweetest way and your gifts were just that...the SWEETEST! xo jo ;)
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