Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Madness

What a month March proved to be. It started off sweetly but somehow ended up with devastation + saddness.

This year, I think the beginning of March came in like a lamb and roared out like a lion in the end.

Don't get me wrong. There have been days filled with much happiness but there also have been some very dark days...

Here is a chronicle of March 2011+ how life can change in a blink of an eye:

03.08.11 Fat Tuesday + Lucky Days 03.11.11 Devastating Tsunami + 9.0 Earthquake hits Northern Japan (go here for more information on this terrible tragedy)

{photo found on internet} {photo courtesy of }

please go here to see more compelling photos of this terrible diaster.

My family watched in horror as parts of Japan was being destroyed by mother nature. My heart aches for the people, their country and the daunting responsibilities of rebuilding their world.

We are praying for all of those touched by this horrific disaster.


celebrating my Sweet Mom's birthday with dear family + friends.

03.17.11 Celebrated our 1st Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner with my sweet sister and her dear family.

03.18.11 Bloggers around the world respectfully held a day of silence for Japan.

I missed joining in on this event. Please go to this site For Japan with LOVE to find out more about so many beautiful hearts making a difference!

this is my little contribution that i'll be sending with any packages, presents or homemade goodies that i'll be making this year. 4 different tags that i created called "with love."

these lil' hearts on boats represent all the love+thoughts my family and i will be sending across the ocean to Japan...

03.21-25.11 SPRING BREAK

my sis, Gail, is an avid baker. she wants to have her own lil' bake shoppe one day. she found this cupcakery on wheels. they also have a facebook page. it was fun trying to track them down. they also are on twitter @flirtycupcakes. really cute+tasty cuppies.

but i think my sis' cuppies are one of the best...hurry up and set up shoppe.
we love your cupcakes!

dear maddy: you're a true friend. i'm so lucky that we've found each other.
especially since the bad stuff going on.
thank you for being brave+protecting me. i love being in gymnastics with you. flip-flops are my fav. you are my fav. i'm one lucky girl!

love, xoxo, shioban

{photo courtesy of }

Elizabeth Taylor=one more classic star added to the sky

March 30, 2011

Mail Love.

Thank you Angela of Three Buttons for Peppermint + Arthouse for the 2011 Sketchbook Poster=love them! xoxox that was one busy March!


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